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SPECIAL OFFER: 50% DISCOUNT ON FULL SETS to coincide with International Essence Awareness Week.

Posted by Baileys Office on

Yorkshire Flower Essences is now becoming recognised as the sole producer of the traditional Bailey Essences and of Verbeia essences, named after the local Celtic goddess of Wharfedale, and of the Scintilla range of combination essences for animals. As a regular reader of this newsletter, you probably knew this!

However, what many people do not know or may have forgotten about is the full range of Bach Flower Essences that was created by Arthur and Chris Bailey.

The mother tinctures were hand-produced by Arthur and Chris, with the same care and love that we associate with all other Bailey Essences. However, the individual Bach essences had simply not been available for sale for some years, even though they remained in use in dowsing selections and as part of some composite essences.

Imagine our delight, when we looked carefully at the Mother Tinctures’ storage cupboard and saw these 38 Bach Mother Tinctures, high on the top shelf!

We felt that these essences were wanting to be out of the cupboard once more, available to everyone, bringing the simple, honest clarity of the Bailey-made Bach range to all users of Bailey Essences.

We reinstated the production schedule. You will know this process from our previous newsletter:

  • We sourced the organic French Cognac and bottles
  • Jan created the Stock Essences in our production room
  • Hayley recreated the original Bailey Bach labels, which feature the portrait of Dr Edward Bach
  • Jan sealed the bottles and set them initially in existing cardboard and wooden boxes or on our stock shelves
  • We took photos and wrote a brief description of each essence.

It has taken a little time but the full range of the Bach essences is now ready. We hope you will share our excitement.

All 38 Stock Essences in the Bach Range and the ‘Shock and Emergencies’ combination essence are all available at £4.95 for a 10ml bottle, plus post and packing.

In addition, there is good news for International Essence Awareness Week. At the moment, we have just a small number of the original cardboard and wooden boxes available. So, before we move to offering the ‘Bailey Bach Essences’ in their new packaging, we are offering these very few complete sets at greatly reduced prices, with a 50% reduction on their former prices:

Simply enter the discount code IEAW50 at the point of purchase to gain a your discount of 50% on these two sets. "When they are gone, they are gone!" as they say!

These sets include one 10ml bottle of each of the 38 Bach essences, in Stock Essence concentration, plus two bottles of the Shock and Emergencies combination.

The wooden boxed set also includes 8 empty 10ml bottles, all ready for you to make up your own dosage bottle, either of one single essence or an essence combination of your own choice.

To make life even simpler, the wooden box also includes 8 Bailey labels, ready for you to complete and attach to your dosage bottles.

*** Simply enter the discount code IEAW50 at the point of purchase to gain a your discount of 50% on these two sets. ***

The 38 Bach Essences and the popular Shock and Emergencies combination are now listed on the Yorkshire Flower Essences website and are available through the shop, by emailing or by ringing 01943 432012.

There will be more news soon about the new packaging for these Bach Essences Sets.

Celebrate International Essences Awareness Month with the amazing value of these sets of Bailey-made Bach essences!

Jenny, Nicky and the Yorkshire Flower Essences Team.

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