Clear the clutter!
This kind of caring can also be bestowed upon the places within our lives. This has the advantage of balancing Earth so that we are able to nourish others. This is a great time of year to pay attention to your surroundings and to make repairs and tidy things up – especially any clutter that there may be. It’s interesting to me to notice that when we make physical changes, it has a direct influence on our feelings and the way our minds work. When we tidy up a room, clear out the clutter and bring in some beauty, we simply feel better and more able to think clearly.
I regularly use the Protection and Clearing spray for keeping the energy clear in our home. I find that when we spray regularly, it’s easier to keep on top of the clutter. Spraying with Clearing spray before you start cleaning jump-starts the process.
How to bring balance to Earth.
When I feel that my Earth is unbalanced (which is my tendency), these are the things I do to get back on track:
1. I change as many appointments as I can in order to allow myself time at home.
2. I clear the kitchen table and I clean the sitting room. If this feels overwhelming, you can clear a part of the sitting room – an armchair and the table next to it would work.
3. I clear out the fridge. When Earth is out of balance, food often accumulates.
4. I cook Earth nourishing food. Choose root vegetables and squashes and cook them well. Roasted veggies, warming soups, meat stews and mashed potatoes all fit the bill. Avoid cold food altogether. If it’s hot weather and you wish to eat salad – eat it at room temperature rather than straight from the fridge. Avoid icein particular.
5. I spend time with friends or family eating the above food or alternatively, I cuddle up with books and watch TV with the food. Either works.
6. In summer, I go out into the garden in bare feet and spend time just being on the Earth.
7. I remind myself of the things I have to be grateful for. On a bad day, this might be simply the fact that I have a roof over my head. On a better day, I live in a beautiful place, with family around me and I am well! It’s all a matter of perspective….. 🙂
Essentially, I look after myself and my surroundings.
Balancing Earth is something that takes time.
When we begin a new relationship, we do so using our Fire energy. We feel an attraction and we follow it up with conversation and getting to know someone – we make connections. But Earth energy allows that relationship to deepen and grow into a true friendship. Earth represents the building of trust – and this applies to our own self-care. As we pay attention to our own self-care, over time the trust deepens and the Earth element within us begins to balance out naturally.
I hope you find many ways to look after yourself and your loved ones this month.
Here’s to happy transitions, de-cluttering and to many happy meals with friends!