Forsythia helps us open up to our spiritual nature, bringing joy and a sense of freedom in that realisation.
Oleacea intermedia
Made with the sun method using only the flowers and with vodka water mix.
Forsythia is a component of Unification.
Forsythia allows us open up to our spiritual nature, bringing joy and a sense of freedom in that realisation. Forsythia essence is complex as it covers a set of inter related properties.
First of all it helps us to get rid of old outgrown ideas and concepts that would otherwise get in the way of our further development. It is as if it squeezes us through a narrow tube, expelling anything that we no longer need. Such an experience is not at all pleasant, yet it may be necessary for our further growth and development.
Second it encourages us to open up to the spiritual reality which our logical left brain may have been steadily opposing. Our logical nature likes to be in control, and in the realm of the spiritual it has to take a back seat to our intuitive side. This obviously generates fears and anxieties that Forsythia can reduce.
Finally we learn to appreciate that there are many different realities in the spiritual dimension. This prevents us from developing a narrow dogmatic viewpoint where once again the logical mind tries to take over and so become a self-styled "expert" in spiritual matters.
Through Forsythia we can keep an open and non-dogmatic mind.
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